We Are What We Choose

純ジャパ30歳を超えてからの”HR&Entrepreneur”アメリカ留学日記です。28歳で渡米を決意、29歳失敗。30歳失敗。31歳で渡米。人事コンサルティング会社で約10年働きました。2018年8月からアメリカ カルフォルニア州にある、UC Berkeley Haas Business School主催の「Berkeley Haas Global Access Program」でEntrepreneurship(起業家精神)を中心に勉強中。自分が学んだこと・感じたことを自由に書いています。

Innovation strategies ③ Energy Resources, storage, and use(エネルギー資源・貯蔵・使用)






1. What is "Energy"?

According to the big bang theory by an astronomer named Georges Lemaître, the universe started as just a single point 13.8 billion years ago. Nowadays, Energy is essential for our daily lives whatever we do. As reported by the data of Global Primary Energy consumption, In 2015, the world consumed 146,000 terawatt-hours (TWh) of primary energy- more than 25 times more than in 1800. In all but 14 of the years from 1949 to 2007, energy consumption increased over the previous year. Total U.S. energy consumption reached its highest level in 2007. Here are some examples of fundamental energy resources.
• Nuclear fusion in the Sun (solar energy)
• Gravity generated by the Earth & Moon
• Nuclear fission reactions
• Energy in the interior of the Earth
• Energy stored in chemical bonds
In addition, The Department of Energy in the USA defines energy resources as below. The three major fossil fuels—petroleum, natural gas, and coal—combined accounted for about 77.6% of the U.S. primary energy production in 2017.
  • Clean Energy (from solar, wind, water)
  • Fossil (Coal, oil and natural gas)
  • Electric power(a secondary energy source generated by the conversion of primary sources of energy like fossil, nuclear, wind or solar.)
  • Energy Storage(Batteries, old pumped storage hydropower)
  • Hydrogen & Fuel Cells

2. How is it going?

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, There are five major primary energy consuming sectors. Their shares of total primary energy consumption in 2017 were:
  • Electric power—38.1%
  • Transportation—28.8%
  • Industrial—22.4%
  • Residential—6.2%
  • Commercial—4.5%
Since the increase in energy consumption, the temperature of the earth is increasing relatively, which is called global warming. Solving this issue, a lot of countries is trying to reduce greenhouse gas. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has been instituted in 1992. Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the Paris Agreement in 2015 were adopted for this by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee. The Paris Agreement’s central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Additionally, the agreement aims to increase the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climate change, and at making finance flows consistent with low GHG emission and climate-resilient pathway. 

3. What does matters?

The matter of energy is that it ultimately relies on materials on planet Earth. Most of the energy we use today comes from fossil fuels (stored solar energy) which have a disadvantage in that they are non-renewable on a human time scale. We cannot be alive if solar energy stopped since the earth will get extremely cold. Therefore, we need to store energy and use efficiently as long as we could. Constant adjustments to the supply are needed for predictable changes. Energy storage plays an important role in this balancing act and helps to create a more flexible and reliable grid system. In addition, we have to transfer from fossil fuels that are limited to renewable energy. Despite the ratio of renewable energy in Canada is 63.8% in 2015, the one in the U.S and Japan are still under 15% in 2015. 
To reduce main greenhouse gases, the world has been paying attention to energy storage technologies. Since some renewable energy technologies – such as wind and solar – have variable outputs, storage technologies have great potential for smoothing out the electricity supply from these sources and ensuring that the supply of generation matches the demand. As energy storage technologies, there are different types such as Thermal Storage, Compressed Air, Hydrogen, Pumped Hydroelectric Storage, Flywheels, and Batteries. However, these technologies have issues due to the fact that these are likely to slowly commercialization. Energy storage is expensive and it is difficult to be cost-effective in the present. Even if Japan, where was the Fukushima disaster, these technologies are not easy to adopt because of the quality of technology and economics. Besides, residents near the proposed renewable energy sites of a huge solar farm in the city tend to mount a last-ditch effort to prevent its construction. Therefore, to establish both economic growth and adopting this technology reusability is the matter of the present.

4. Summary

In conclusion, energy resources that have mainly used now are limited in the world. As a first step, we need to store and use them efficiently by using storage technology. However, fundamentally, transferring from fossil fuels to renewable energy matters nowadays. Although each country procedure the energy strategy such as the Paris Agreement, it is not really enough for the increasing consumption nowadays. Cost-effective and letting the citizens understanding to introduce new technologies might be key factors for our future. Thus, we need to implement a short-term strategy and a long-term strategy for energy simultaneously.


1. エネルギーって何?


今日では、エネルギーは私たちの日常生活に欠かせないものですが、Global Primary Energy consumptionのデータで報告されているように、





  • 太陽の核融合(太陽エネルギー)
  • 地球と月が生み出す重力
  • 核分裂反応
  • 地球内部のエネルギー
  • 化学結合に蓄えられたエネルギー 











  • クリーンエネルギー(太陽、風、水から)
  • 化石(石炭、石油、天然ガス)
  • 電力(化石、原子力、風力、太陽光などの一次エネルギー源の変換によって生成される二次エネルギー源)
  • エネルギー貯蔵(電池、旧揚水発電)
  • 水素&燃料電池


2. 現在、どうなっている?

米国エネルギー情報局によると、5つの主要な主要エネルギー消費部門があります。 2017年の一次エネルギー総消費量に占める割合は次のとおりです。
電力 - 38.1%
交通機関 - 28.8%
工業用 - 22.4%
住宅 - 6.2%
コマーシャル - 4.5%

エネルギー消費の増加以来、地球の温度は相対的に上昇しており、これは地球温暖化と呼ばれています。この問題を解決するために、多くの国が温室効果ガスを削減しようとしています。 1992年に国連気候変動枠組条約(UNFCCC)が制定されました。1997年の京都議定書および2015年のパリ協定は、政府間交渉委員会によって採択されました。パリ協定の中心的な目的は、今世紀の気温上昇を工業化前のレベルを2℃下回る温度まで維持することによって、気候変動の脅威に対する世界的な対応を強化し、気温の上昇をさらに1.5℃まで抑える努力を追求することです。 。さらに、この合意は、気候変動の影響に対処するための国々の能力を高め、資金の流れを低GHG排出量および気候変動に敏感な経路と一致させることを目的としています。



3. 何が問題なの?














4. まとめ













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